PRRS is a friendly and pro-active society serving the local Plymouth Combination Clubs, maintains strong links with Devon Rugby Referees’ Society, and is a member of the South West Peninsula Federation of Referees’ Society which consists of Cornwall and Devon Referees’ as well as Plymouth.
Contact Info
Email: plymouthrrs@gmail.com
Website: https://plymouth-rrs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlymouthRRS/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/plymouthrrs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plymouth_rrs/
Get Involved
For current and potential officials, refereeing is a great way to give something back to the game you love, while also helping to widen participation in the sport.
Whether your aspirations are to referee your local Under 9s on a Sunday morning or progress to officiating at Twickenham, the RFU and your local referee society will support you every step.
Whilst there is some formal training to undertake, most of the training and development takes place ‘on the job’ Why not turn up to one of our monthly meetings to meet the society and make the first step?
Once you have decided to give refereeing a go, PRRS will help you book on to the next available RFU Referee course. These are held quite frequently all over Devon and within Plymouth.